Everybody May...

During May 2024 we're experimenting with doing things a bit differently at SRPC on Sunday mornings and starting at 10am. The video below will explain it all (and if you're watching this during May 2024, we'd love to see you!); and then furthetr below are the videos and reources after each "Everybody May Sunday School at 10am" so you can catch up if you weren't able to be there...

Sunday 5th May - Everybody May... understand the Bible  - Gordon Campbell

Everybody May... understand the Bible - handout
Adobe Acrobat Document 356.2 KB

Sunday 12th May - Everybody May... pray - Roz Stirling

Everybody May... pray - handout
Everybody May pray - Approaches to Praye
Microsoft Word Document 55.7 KB

Sunday 19th May - Everybody May... be a resilient disciple - Rick Hill

Sunday 26th May - Everybody May... be a peacemaker - Olwyn Mark

Everybody May... be a peacemaker - handout
Everybody May be a Peacemaker_260524.doc
Microsoft Word Document 21.2 KB

Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church

1 Myrtledene Road




Tel: 028 9040 3333

E-mail: info@srpc.org.uk

Charity Number: NIC104268