

This page contains all the latest announcements, events and information for SRPC. For more details of any of the announcements, simply fill out the form at the bottom of this page. 

Weekly Announcements

Announcement Sheet - Sunday 9th February 2025
Announcement Sheet attached.
Please have a look at the SHARING OUR FAITH online survey. You can access it using the QR code or the link on the A/sheet. Alternatively, there are printed copies in the church on Sunday morning. If you are not that familiar with the QR code, just ask someone to show you how it works. It's extremely easy once you know what to look for.
Have a good w/end.
A-Sheet - Sunday 2025 02 09.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 242.7 KB

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Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church

1 Myrtledene Road




Tel: 028 9040 3333


Charity Number: NIC104268