Request for Prayer

If you would appreciate someone praying for you about anything that is concerning you, or if you would like to talk to someone who will listen and pray with you, please fill in the form below.


You only need to fill in the prayer request. Your details are optional, and we will hold all matters in confidence. This response will go  to the minister, Ben Walker, in the first instance. You can choose  whether you would simply like your request passed on to a small group of people to pray; or whether you would like Ben to respond to you, with the opportunity of talking and praying with him or another elder. If so, please do fill in your email / phone number.


Although we are very willing to listen and pray - something we believe is of the greatest value - we are not trained counsellors or experts in mental health issues. We would point you to organisations and resources listed below the form for help in this regard.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Useful Organisations and Resources...




AMH NLC (Children, youth, family & adult counselling via telephone or video conferencing)


ICSS (Education Authority Post Primary Counselling Service). Pupils & parents should contact their school for more details. 


Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church

1 Myrtledene Road




Tel: 028 9040 3333


Charity Number: NIC104268