The story of SRPC is as much a story of ordinary members as it is of the big events that shaped our development as a congregation. It’s the story of people coming to faith, of growing in faith, of children and young people being raised to love and serve the Lord. It’s a story of people finding a spiritual home, of young and old alike. Finding fellowship, enjoying friendship and fun while facing up to the spiritual challenges of the times.


The below records some of the important dates in the life of our congregation since it was first established on 10thJanuary 1960.



The Kirk Session of St John’s Newtownbreda decided, due to the large amount of housing being built, there should be the provision of an extension to Sunday School in the Beechill area.



Rev L Rex Pedlow (Minister of St John’s) began a Sunday school in the Orange Hall (Now Furniture warehouse) at Beechill.



Rev James McAdam was installed as the first Minister of Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church and for the first time a congregation gathered for worship in the Hall.



The current Church building was officially opened on 13th January following 2 years of construction.  



A semi-permeant Hall (known as the wooden hall) was opened by Rev Jack Weir. This hall was in operation well beyond its estimated 25 year life and was demolished in 2003.



The congregation grew rapidly and in the first 5 years of its life there were 167 baptisms.



A new suite of halls, with the McAdam Hall being the centerpiece was opened which cost £32,024 to build.



A new Scripture Union mission called Newtownbreda CSSM was launched in partnership with a number of other local churches in the area.



Mission committee was established to encourage mission at home and overseas.



Rev James McAdam retires after 27 years of service.



Rev Paul McClenaghan is installed as Minister.



The Hamilton’s are called to serve in Cote d’Ivoir with Wycliffe Bible Translators.


The Campbell’s are called to Congnac, France with PCI.



The Rodgers are called to Malawi with PCI.

Inside the church before renovation
Inside the church before renovation


Rev Alistair Bill is installed as Minister.



The old Manse at 489 Saintfield Road is sold and a new Manse is bought in Royal Lodge Park.



Church Office with part time administrator is appointed.




Lissy Hatch is appointed as the first Youth Worker



Small Groups are launched.


Rosalind White called to serve in Malawi with PCI.



Johnny Bell is appointed Youth Worker.



New suit of Halls are opened by PCI moderator Rev Dr David Clarke.


New halls opened in 2007
New halls opened in 2007
SRPC Kilimanjaro Team - 2011
SRPC Kilimanjaro Team - 2011


Congregation celebrates its 50th Anniversary.



15 members of the congregation climb Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds to clear the debt of the hall extension.



2nd Phase of the new halls was completed with new offices, kitchen and breakout rooms created.



New Church Administrator appointed.



Double Arson attack on the church occurred in July causing extensive damage to the church and suite of halls. SRPC relocates to various other venues during this time.



Church halls are refurnished and church services resume in the McAdam Hall. Plans are drawn up for a radical change to the church sanctuary.


Vision 2020 is launched focusing the church on Worship, sending & Serving.


John and Birita Timothy are called to serve in Japan, Heather Lowry is called go serve in India and Gerald & Louise Mwangi are called to Kenya.

Rev Alistair Bill
Rev Alistair Bill


Moni Wilson is appointed as Church administrator.


New church sanctuary is opened and community fun day held.


Launch of Messy Church.


Rev Alistair Bill retires after 24 years of service.


Gill Gourley is appointed Families Worker.





Rev Ben Walker is appointed as new Minister


Church Weekend at home.


5 youth interns are appointed


SRPC celebrates its 60th anniversary


Due to the Covid-19 church services move online 

Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church

1 Myrtledene Road




Tel: 028 9040 3333


Charity Number: NIC104268